My Work

Ok, so this might take me a little while, but this is the page where you can find links to some of my films.

Given that I’ve made at least fifty films over the course of my career it’s going to take me ages to find them all, decide which ones to share and then upload them. Some of them are even on physical reels of film. So please bear with me.

It’s easy for me to choose which ones to share first, as they’re already up on Vimeo…

First up is a BBC series called Soul Deep. It was nominated for an International Emmy and it’s about black music and civil rights in the USA. I’m really proud of how we told an incredibly important and painful story – and told it in a compelling way, one that balances the pain of oppression with the joy of great music.

I got to meet and interview some of the finest artists in modern history and will always remain one of my career highlights.

It also contains the last interview with the legendary James Brown. I was slightly terrified as he’d only recently been released from jail for pursuing his wife across the states with a shotgun – but he turned out to be everything you’d imagine the Godfather of Soul to be. Awe inspiring.

Still here? Ok, so a few years ago I was asked to host a panel on diversity and needed a showreel that demonstrated why diverse voices are so important. This is what I showed:

As you may already know, I spent a decade running a production company called Avatar (we were there first, James Cameron) with writer/actor/all-round good egg Sanjeev Bhaskar. This short clip is the culmination of a journey we made together across India to examine the legacy of Partition.

Incidentally, it also kind of sums up why I love Sanjeev so much and I’m very fortunate that we’ve had so many adventures together.

Now for something completely different again – this time, a film about a boxing match. Eh?

Well, It’s not what you might expect – and it’s certainly not what I was expecting myself when I was asked to make the film.

It turns out the gladiatorial sport of boxing is an amazing metaphor for just about every kind of struggle, and that the sport has been used politically for hundreds of years, taking in everything from Jim Crow to the Nazis.

It’s really a film about how and why heroes are created and destroyed, how racism is propogated and how humans can rise above their time and circumstances. The film went on to win a Bannf Rocky award.

Hope you enjoyed those. More coming soon, I promise.
