Three letters that could change the world…

After the brutal and shocking murder of George Floyd, EDI has suddenly become a thing that people are taking seriously. Companies are revising their hiring practices, their codes of conduct and employing specialists to help define their strategy and make EDI into a fundamental element of their business.

So what is EDI ? Here’s a basic primer:

E is for EQUITY.

Easily mistaken for Equality, Equity is actually rather more helpful… and far more difficult to achieve.

Let’s take an example. If we go to a cafeteria, Equality means everyone gets treated the same.

Vegan? Nope. We only serve Spam fritters here. Take it or leave it. Believe it or not, that’s equality in action.

EQUITY is the kinder, more nuanced version – except that Equity caters for our differences and appreciates that we aren’t all the same.

Smaller people should be allowed smaller chairs, for example.

Vegans shouldn’t be forced to eat Spam.

If we widen our lens and think about it a little, we can see that Equality actually holds back the gifted and most able, while neglecting those who most need our help.

EQUITY takes into account that people in societies around the world are far from equal, and that poorer people shouldn’t be trapped in poverty.

People with different abilities should be helped according to their needs…and have their lives enriched by access to the arts and culture, regardless of social class, colour, creed and so on.

Surely these are some of the things that distinguish a civilised society from a dystopian nightmare?

This may all sound crushingly obvious, but progress in these areas has been incredibly hard-won, so let’s not take it for granted.


This is not just about skin colour or sexuality, although people often seem to think it is. It’s about allowing for our differences and taking advantage of them – seeing them as an opportunity rather than a threat.


It kind of makes sense to me that this comes last because if we’ve got the E and the D covered, the I takes care of itself.

This really isn’t complicated – inclusivity is just about making sure everyone’s voice gets heard.

Perhaps this really could be a moment that leads to real, sustainable and lasting change in the way that we perceive and treat minorities. Or it could be another missed opportunity. WE GET TO CHOOSE.